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            奧克蘭戰爭紀念博物館 - Te Ao Marama South Atrium  
            Auckland War Memorial Museum - Te Ao Marama South Atrium  




            Auckland War Memorial Museum was established in Auckland Domain in 1929 with a significant neo-classical building of generous volumes, proportions, rich materiality, detailing and powerful stained-glass roof lighting. Future additions in 1960 extended south albeit with simpler details and materiality. The 2006 works internalised the South Atrium, with a new public entry and inserted the “tanoa” (a pacific bowl form).


            這座建筑位于奧克蘭Pukekawa,曾經與Tamaki Makarau的文化遺產格格不入。在建筑的內部,游客的體驗需要了解傳統部落,同時轉變為與奧克蘭多樣化的人口相關的內容。這種反復迭代的加法阻礙了南北之間的自然聯系,導致了糟糕的游客體驗。


            Sited on Pukekawa, in Auckland Domain, the European architecture was at odds with the cultural heritage of Tamaki Makarau. Inside, the visitor experience required transforming to acknowledge mana whenua, and evolve to be relevant to Auckland’s diverse population. The iterative additions blocked natural connections between the north and south leading to a poor visitor orientation experience.
            These issues were addressed in the Future Museum Masterplan, unlocking the potential of the nationally significant building to create transformational bicultural architecture, enabling dialogue between New Zealand’s colonial history and today.



            Te Ao Mārama南中庭、紀念碑畫廊和Te Ara Oranga南通道是總體規劃的第一階段。

            Te Ao Mārama樹立了一個具有國際意義的先例,對于雙文化游客來說,這里的建筑、藝術品和內容融合了傳統部落和太平洋的故事。碗狀形式得以充分實現,并通過豐富的流動材料語言創造了一個歡迎、到達、定向、飲食和零售的公共集散空間。

            Extensive consultation shaped the works to comply with cultural protocols and museum operations, meet public expectations, and a diverse governance. Resource Consent for the heritage works were obtained by in-depth engagement with heritage stakeholders. Careful analysis led to the development of museum heritage guiding principles. This delivered respectful, yet contemporary design responses to heritage volumes, proportions, materials and attention to detail to integrate modern museum requirements and new space typologies. Heritage interventions were permitted where functional requirements could be proven and delivered with an equivalent quality of the original fabric.
            Te Ao Mārama South Atrium, Cenotaph galleries and Te Ara Oranga Southern Pathway are the first phase of the Masterplan to be delivered.
            Te Ao Mārama sets a new precedent, of international significance, for a bi-cultural visitor experience where architecture, artwork and content integrate mana whenua and Pacific narratives. The tanoa bowl form is fully realised and held within a rich flowing material language, creating a civic space for welcome, arrival, orientation, eating and retail.





            New boulevards connect Te Ao Mārama to the Māori Court, intuitively guiding visitors and revealing new galleries. Galleries have been comprehensively renewed with new gallery services to floors and ceiling shields that reveal heritage volumes, window’s and natural lighting, with referential forms.
            The 1929 architecture is renowned for its materiality from Europe and Australasia. The form and materials in the new interventions pay homage with beautiful terrazzo flooring and basalt thresholds, fluid fibrous plaster ceiling shields, bronze and steel portals, brass strip inlays and extensive use of timber veneers – all reconsidered for today’s visitor. The intention is to bring a holistic and unifying experience to the museum which ultimately transcends specific eras.
            Tawa veneer panels guide visitors and bring warmth to the internal boulevards, which seamlessly integrate the restored Tasmania Blackwood doors opening into the Maori Court with alternating bands of Tawa and Blackwood veneer. 900-year old river recovered Totara is used for the ceremonial gateway entry into the south atrium.





            建筑設計:fjcstudio, Jasmax, designTRIBE

            建筑設計:fjcstudio, designTRIBE
            建筑師:Jasmax Architects
            遺產保護建筑師:Salmond Reed Architects Heritage Architects
            聲學設計:Marshall Day Acoustics Pty Ltd  
            攝影:Dennis Radermacher

            Architect: fjcstudio、Jasmax、designTRIBE
            Location:  quckland, quckand, New zealand
            Project Year: 2021
            Category: Museums

            Architect: fjcstudio in collaboration with designTRIBE
            Architects: Jasmax Architects
            Heritage Architects: Salmond Reed Architects Heritage Architects
            Acoustics: Marshall Day Acoustics Pty Ltd  
            Photographer: Dennis Radermacher




            投稿郵箱:submit@iarch.cn         如何向專筑投稿?



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